Der COM-Server kann verwendet werden, um Funktionen innerhalb der MESYS-Software aus anderen Programmen heraus aufzurufen.
Ein einfaches Beispiel in einer VisualBasic-Funktion:
Public Sub test()
Dim mesys As MesysCOM
Set mesys = New MesysCOM
Dim rbc As MesysRBC
Set rbc = mesys.createRBC
Dim d As Long
Dim pmax As Double
Call rbc.setVarInt("inputType", 2)
Call rbc.setVarInt("Z", 12)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Dw", 5)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Dpw", 50)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Fy", 1000)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("ni", 500)
result = rbc.Calculate
Call rbc.showReport("c:/temp/report.pdf")
Call rbc.getVarDouble("pmax", pmax)
Call rbc.getVarInt("Z", d)
Call rbc.calculateBearing(True, 0, True, 1000, True, 0, False, 0, False, 0, 500, 0, 20, 20)
Call rbc.getVarDouble("pmax", pmax)
Set rbc = Nothing
Set mesys = Nothing
End Sub
And here the same example in Python using the members with variants as [in, out] parameters do not work from python:
Und hier das gleiche Beispiel in Python mit den Funktionen mit VARIANTS da die [in, out] Parameter in Python nicht funktionieren:
import comtypes.client
mesys = comtypes.client.CreateObject("MesysCOM64.MesysCOM")
rbc = mesys.createRBC()
rbc.setVar("inputType", 2)
rbc.setVar("Z", 12)
rbc.setVar("Dw", 5)
rbc.setVar("Dpw", 50)
rbc.setVar("Fy", 1000)
rbc.setVar("ni", 500)
pmax = rbc.getVar("pmax")
z = rbc.getVar("Z")
rbc.calculateBearing(True, 0, True, 1000, True, 0, False, 0, False, 0, 500, 0, 20, 20)
pmax2 = rbc.getVar("pmax")
stiffness = rbc.getStiffnessMatrixAsVector();
rbc = None
mesys = None