모든 계산 모듈의 일반적인 방법은 다음과 같습니다:
•VARIANT_BOOL calculate();
Run calculation.
•VARIANT_BOOL loadFile([in] BSTR p_filename);
Load file.
•VARIANT_BOOL saveFile([in] BSTR p_filename);
Save calculation file.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateReport([in] BSTR p_filename);
Generate a report into the filename.
•VARIANT_BOOL showReport([in] BSTR p_filename);
Generate the report into the filename and call a program to view it.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateSpecialReport([in] BSTR p_type, [in] BSTR p_filename);
Generate a special report into the filename. Use type as "resultTables" for result tables.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateImage([in] BSTR p_imageID, [in] BSTR p_filename, [in] int p_dpi, [in] int p_widthinMM, [in] int p_heightinMM);
Generate an image and save it as file.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateImage3D([in] BSTR p_imageID, [in] BSTR p_filename, [in] int p_dpi, [in] int p_widthinMM, [in] int p_heightinMM, [in] double p_dirX, [in] double p_dirY, [in] double p_dirZ, [in] double p_upX, [in] double p_upY, [in] double p_upZ);
Generate an image of a 3D-scene and save it as file. dir is a vector in view direction, up is a vector for the up-direction of the view.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getDiagramData([in] BSTR p_imageID);
Get the diagram data for diagrams. The format of the return value is [["name", ["x", "abscissa label", "abscissa unit", [1, 2, 3, ...], ["y", "ordinate label", "ordinate unit", [1, 2, 3, ...]], ["name", ...]]
•VARIANT_BOOL saveVariableList([in] BSTR p_path);
Save the list of available variables into an XLSX file. The available variables depend on the input data.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getVariableList();
Get the available variables as list. The available variables depend on the input data. The format is [["name", "type", "unit", "description"], ...]
•VARIANT_BOOL runParameterVariation([in] int p_index, [in] BSTR p_resultFilePath);
Call the parameter variation with defined input settings for given index and saves the result table
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) runParameterVariation_1([in] int p_index);
•Call the parameter variation with defined input settings for given index and returns the result table
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarDouble([in] BSTR p_name, [in] double p_value);
Set variable to double value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarBool([in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_value);
Set variable to boolean value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarInt([in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_value);
Set variable to integer value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarString([in] BSTR p_name, [in] BSTR p_value);
Set variable to character value.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarDouble([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] double *p_value);
Read back double variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarBool([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] VARIANT_BOOL *p_value);
Read back boolean variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarInt([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] int *p_value);
Read back integer variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarString([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] BSTR *p_value);
Read back character variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVar([in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT p_value);
Set variable using variant
•VARIANT getVar([in] BSTR p_name);
Get variable using variant
•VARIANT_BOOL resizeArray([in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_count);
Resize array variable
GUI를 갖는 각 계산 모듈은 다음과 같은 방법을 제공합니다:
•void showWindow();
Show user interface.
•void hideWindow();
Hide user interface.
•void exec();
Show user interface and process events until the window is closed.
•void setLanguage([in] BSTR p_lang);
Pass language as two characters ("de", "en", "fr", "es", "tr", "ko", "zh", "ja")
•MesysModule* getCalcModule();
Get the calculation module from the user interface.
•void setCalcModule(MesysModule*);
Set the calculation module for the user interface.
연산 모듈의 변수 이름은 custom report templates에 제공된 것과 동일합니다. 현재 하중 및 지지 변경을 위한 추가 기능이 누락되어 있어 샤프트 연산에 대한 사용은 제한적입니다.