COM 서버는 다른 프로그램에서 MESYS 소프트웨어 내의 기능을 호출하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.
VisualBasic 함수에서의 간단한 예:
Public Sub test()
Dim mesys As MesysCOM
Set mesys = New MesysCOM
Dim rbc As MesysRBC
Set rbc = mesys.createRBC
Dim d As Long
Dim pmax As Double
Call rbc.setVarInt("inputType", 2)
Call rbc.setVarInt("Z", 12)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Dw", 5)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Dpw", 50)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("Fy", 1000)
Call rbc.setVarDouble("ni", 500)
result = rbc.Calculate
Call rbc.showReport("c:/temp/report.pdf")
Call rbc.getVarDouble("pmax", pmax)
Call rbc.getVarInt("Z", d)
Call rbc.calculateBearing(True, 0, True, 1000, True, 0, False, 0, False, 0, 500, 0, 20, 20)
Call rbc.getVarDouble("pmax", pmax)
Set rbc = Nothing
Set mesys = Nothing
End Sub
그리고 여기 Python에서 [in, out] 매개 변수로 변형이 있는 멤버를 사용하는 동일한 예제는 Python에서 작동하지 않습니다:
import comtypes.client
mesys = comtypes.client.CreateObject("MesysCOM64.MesysCOM")
rbc = mesys.createRBC()
rbc.setVar("inputType", 2)
rbc.setVar("Z", 12)
rbc.setVar("Dw", 5)
rbc.setVar("Dpw", 50)
rbc.setVar("Fy", 1000)
rbc.setVar("ni", 500)
pmax = rbc.getVar("pmax")
z = rbc.getVar("Z")
rbc.calculateBearing(True, 0, True, 1000, True, 0, False, 0, False, 0, 500, 0, 20, 20)
pmax2 = rbc.getVar("pmax")
stiffness = rbc.getStiffnessMatrixAsVector();
rbc = None
mesys = None
서버는 계산 모듈을 생성하는 데 사용할 수 있는 MesysCOM 인터페이스를 제공합니다. 사용 가능한 메서드는 다음과 같습니다:
•void setLanguage([in] BSTR p_lang);
Pass language as two characters ("de", "en", "fr", "es", "tr", "ko", "zh", "ja")
•int getVersion();
Returns version in format yyyymm.
•MesysRBC* createRBC();
Create bearing calculation module without user interface.
•MesysSHAFT* createSHAFT();
Create shaft calculation module without user interface.
•MesysHERTZ* createHERTZ();
Create Hertz stress calculation module without user interface.
Create ball screw calculation module without user interface.
•MesysGUIRBC* createGUIRBC();
Create bearing calculation module with user interface.
Create hertz stress calculation module with user interface.
Create shaft calculation module with user interface.
Create ball screw calculation module with user interface.
MesysRBC, MesysSHAFT 및 GUI가 없는 인터페이스는 사용자 인터페이스 없이 계산 모듈을 생성합니다. MesysGUIRBC, MesysGUISHAFT는 사용자 인터페이스가 있는 계산 모듈입니다.
모든 계산 모듈의 일반적인 방법은 다음과 같습니다:
•VARIANT_BOOL calculate();
Run calculation.
•VARIANT_BOOL loadFile([in] BSTR p_filename);
Load file.
•VARIANT_BOOL saveFile([in] BSTR p_filename);
Save calculation file.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateReport([in] BSTR p_filename);
Generate a report into the filename.
•VARIANT_BOOL showReport([in] BSTR p_filename);
Generate the report into the filename and call a program to view it.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateSpecialReport([in] BSTR p_type, [in] BSTR p_filename);
•Generate a special report into the filename. Use type as "resultTables" for result tables.
•VARIANT_BOOL generateImage([in] BSTR p_imageID, [in] BSTR p_filename, [in] int p_dpi, [in] int p_widthinMM, [in] int p_heightinMM);
Generate an image and save it as file.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getDiagramData([in] BSTR p_imageID);
Get the diagram data for diagrams. The format of the return value is [["name", ["x", "abscissa label", "abscissa unit", [1, 2, 3, ...], ["y", "ordinate label", "ordinate unit", [1, 2, 3, ...]], ["name", ...]]
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarDouble([in] BSTR p_name, [in] double p_value);
Set variable to double value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarBool([in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_value);
Set variable to boolean value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarInt([in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_value);
Set variable to integer value.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVarString([in] BSTR p_name, [in] BSTR p_value);
Set variable to character value.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarDouble([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] double *p_value);
Read back double variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarBool([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] VARIANT_BOOL *p_value);
Read back boolean variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarInt([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] int *p_value);
Read back integer variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL getVarString([in] BSTR p_name, [in,out] BSTR *p_value);
Read back character variable.
•VARIANT_BOOL setVar([in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT p_value);
Set variable using variant
•VARIANT getVar([in] BSTR p_name);
Get variable using variant
•VARIANT_BOOL resizeArray([in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_count);
Resize array variable
베어링 연산을 위한 추가 방법:
•VARIANT_BOOL calculateBearing([in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFx, [in] double p_Fx_or_Ux, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFy, [in] double p_Fy_or_Uy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFz, [in] double p_Fz_or_Uz, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMy, [in] double p_My_or_Ry, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMz, [in] double p_Mz_or_Rz, [in] double p_ni, [in] double p_ne, [in] double p_Ti, [in] double p_Te);
Run bearing calculation with given loading.
•VARIANT_BOOL setupLoadSpectrum([in] int p_count, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFx, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFz, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMz);
Setup load spectrum definition.
•VARIANT_BOOL setLoadSpectrumLoad([in] int p_loadCase, [in] double p_frequency, [in] double p_Fx_or_Ux, [in] double p_Fy_or_Uy, [in] double p_Fz_or_Uz, [in] double p_My_or_Ry, [in] double p_Mz_or_Rz, [in] double p_ni, [in] double p_ne, [in] double p_Ti, [in] double p_Te, [in] double p_TOil);
Set load spectrum load for each load case
•VARIANT_BOOL selectBearingFromDatabase([in] BSTR p_manufacturer, [in] BSTR p_bearingName);
Selects a bearing based on name and manufacturer from the database
•VARIANT_BOOL getStiffnessMatrix([in,out] double *p_c11, [in,out] double *p_c12, [in,out] double *p_c13, [in,out] double *p_c14, [in,out] double *p_c15, [in,out] double *p_c21, [in,out] double *p_c22, [in,out] double *p_c23, [in,out] double *p_c24, [in,out] double *p_c25, [in,out] double *p_c31, [in,out] double *p_c32, [in,out] double *p_c33, [in,out] double *p_c34, [in,out] double *p_c35, [in,out] double *p_c41, [in,out] double *p_c42, [in,out] double *p_c43, [in,out] double *p_c44, [in,out] double *p_c45, [in,out] double *p_c51, [in,out] double *p_c52, [in,out] double *p_c53, [in,out] double *p_c54, [in,out] double *p_c55);
Reads back the bearing stiffness matrix with units N, Nm, mm, rad. The order of rows and columns is like in the report ux, uy, uz, ry, rz.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getStiffnessMatrixAsVector();
Reads back the bearing stiffness matrix as vector with units N, Nm, mm, rad. The order of the elements is per row.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getRollingElementResults([in] int p_loadCase, [in] int p_bearing, [in] int p_row, [in] int p_rollingElement, [in] int p_section);
Returns results for single rolling elements. The parameter 'section' is only used for roller bearings, for section==-1 the forces acting on the roller are returned. The parameter 'loadCase' is only used if a load spectrum is defined.
볼스크류 연산을 위한 추가 방법:
•VARIANT_BOOL calculateBallScrew([in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFx, [in] double p_Fx_or_Ux, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFy, [in] double p_Fy_or_Uy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFz, [in] double p_Fz_or_Uz, [in] double p_Rx, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMy, [in] double p_My_or_Ry, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMz, [in] double p_Mz_or_Rz, [in] double p_ni, [in] double p_ne, [in] double p_Ti, [in] double p_Te);
Run ball screw calculation with given loading
•VARIANT_BOOL setupLoadSpectrum([in] int p_count, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFx, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterFz, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMy, [in] VARIANT_BOOL p_enterMz);
Setup load spectrum definition
•VARIANT_BOOL setLoadSpectrumLoad([in] int p_loadCase, [in] double p_frequency, [in] double p_Fx_or_Ux, [in] double p_Fy_or_Uy, [in] double p_Fz_or_Uz, [in] double p_Rx, [in] double p_My_or_Ry, [in] double p_Mz_or_Rz, [in] double p_ni, [in] double p_ne, [in] double p_Ti, [in] double p_Te);
Sets load spectrum load for each load case
•VARIANT_BOOL getStiffnessMatrix([in,out] double *p_c11, [in,out] double *p_c12, [in,out] double *p_c13, [in,out] double *p_c14, [in,out] double *p_c15, [in,out] double *p_c21, [in,out] double *p_c22, [in,out] double *p_c23, [in,out] double *p_c24, [in,out] double *p_c25, [in,out] double *p_c31, [in,out] double *p_c32, [in,out] double *p_c33, [in,out] double *p_c34, [in,out] double *p_c35, [in,out] double *p_c41, [in,out] double *p_c42, [in,out] double *p_c43, [in,out] double *p_c44, [in,out] double *p_c45, [in,out] double *p_c51, [in,out] double *p_c52, [in,out] double *p_c53, [in,out] double *p_c54, [in,out] double *p_c55);
Reads back the stiffness matrix with units N, Nm, mm, rad. The order of rows and columns is like in the report ux, uy, uz, ry, rz.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getStiffnessMatrixAsVector();
Reads back the bearing stiffness matrix as vector with units N, Nm, mm, rad. The order of the elements is per row.
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getRollingElementResults([in] int p_loadCase, [in] int p_bearing, [in] int p_thread, [in] int p_rollingElement);
Returns results for single rolling elements. The parameter 'loadCase' is only used if a load spectrum is defined and should be set to zero otherwise.
샤프트 연산을 위한 추가 방법:
•VARIANT_BOOL importREXS([in] BSTR p_path);
Import system in REXS format
•VARIANT_BOOL exportREXS([in] BSTR p_path);
Export system in REXS format
•void resizeLoadSpectrum([in] int p_count);
Resize load spectrum, which needs to be active.
•VARIANT_BOOL setLoadSpectrumElement([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_component, [in] int p_index, [in] double p_value);
Set data for load spectrum element
•VARIANT_BOOL setPosition([in] int p_id, [in] double p_position);
Set position for force or support
Get list of shaft IDs
Get list of force IDs
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getSupportIds();
Get list of support IDs
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getSectionIds();
Get list of section IDs
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getBearingIds();
Get list of bearing IDs
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getBallscrewIds();
Get list of ballscrew IDs
Get list of group IDs
•SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getElasticPartIds();
Get list of elastic part IDs
•int getShaftIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first shaft with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getForceIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first force with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getSupportIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first support with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getSectionIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first section with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getBearingIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first bearing with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getBallscrewIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first ballscrew with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•int getElasticPartIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first elastic part with given name. Returns zero if not found.
•BSTR getName([in] int p_id);
Get element name for ID
•VARIANT getIDVar([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name);
Get variable for element with given ID
•VARIANT_BOOL setIDVar([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT p_value);
Set variable for element with given ID
•VARIANT_BOOL resizeIDArray([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_count);
Resize array variable for element with given ID
•MesysRBC* getBearingModule([in] int p_id);
Get bearing calculation for given ID as copy
•VARIANT_BOOL setBearingModule([in] int p_id, [in] MesysRBC* p1);
Set bearing calculation for given ID
•MesysBALLSCREW* getBallScrewModule([in] int p_id);
Get ballscrew calculation for given ID as copy
•VARIANT_BOOL setBallScrewModule([in] int p_id, [in] MesysBALLSCREW* p1);
Set ballscrew calculation for given ID
GUI가 있는 각 연산 모듈은 다음과 같은 방법을 제공합니다:
•void showWindow();
Show user interface.
•void hideWindow();
Hide user interface.
•void exec();
Show user interface and process events until the window is closed.
•void setLanguage([in] BSTR p_lang);
Pass language as two characters ("de", "en", "fr", "es", "tr", "ko", "zh", "ja")
•MesysModule* getCalcModule();
Get the calculation module from the user interface.
•void setCalcModule(MesysModule*);
Set the calculation module for the user interface.
•void runParameterVariation([in] BSTR p_resultFilePath);
Runs the parameter calculation with the given definitions and saves the results table into the given file. Only available for shaft, bearing and ball screw calculation.