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MESYS Calculation Software

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Additional methods for shaft calculation

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Additional methods for the shaft calculation are:

VARIANT_BOOL importREXS([in] BSTR p_path);
Import system in REXS format

VARIANT_BOOL exportREXS([in] BSTR p_path);
Export system in REXS format

void resizeLoadSpectrum([in] int p_count);
Resize load spectrum, which needs to be active.

VARIANT_BOOL setLoadSpectrumElement([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_component, [in] int p_index, [in] double p_value);
Set data for load spectrum element

VARIANT_BOOL setPosition([in] int p_id, [in] double p_position);
Set position for force or support

Get list of shaft IDs

Get list of force IDs

Get list of support IDs

Get list of section IDs

Get list of bearing IDs

SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getBallscrewIds();
Get list of ballscrew IDs

Get list of group IDs

SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) getElasticPartIds();
Get list of elastic part IDs

int getShaftIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first shaft with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getForceIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first force with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getSupportIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first support with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getSectionIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first section with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getBearingIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first bearing with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getBallscrewIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first ballscrew with given name. Returns zero if not found.

int getElasticPartIdByName([in] BSTR p_name);
Get ID for first elastic part with given name. Returns zero if not found.

BSTR getName([in] int p_id);
Get element name for ID

VARIANT getIDVar([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name);
Get variable for element with given ID

VARIANT_BOOL setIDVar([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name, [in] VARIANT p_value);
Set variable for element with given ID

VARIANT_BOOL resizeIDArray([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name, [in] int p_count);
Resize array variable for element with given ID

MesysRBC* getBearingModule([in] int p_id);
Get bearing calculation for given ID as copy

VARIANT_BOOL setBearingModule([in] int p_id, [in] MesysRBC* p1);
Set bearing calculation for given ID

MesysBALLSCREW* getBallScrewModule([in] int p_id);
Get ballscrew calculation for given ID as copy

VARIANT_BOOL setBallScrewModule([in] int p_id, [in] MesysBALLSCREW* p1);
Set ballscrew calculation for given ID

double getForceValue([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name);
Get parameters for force elements like 'x', 'b', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Mx', 'My', 'Mz'

VARIANT_BOOL setForceValue([in] int p_id, [in] BSTR p_name, [in] double p_value);
Set parameters for force elements like 'x', 'b', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Mx', 'My', 'Mz'