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MESYS Calculation Software

Custom report templates can be added in subdirectory “templates/rbc”. Reports based on these templates can be generated by selecting the report template under "Report->Report templates".

The report templates are word files with DOCVARIABLE fields. These fields are filled on generation of the report.

Possible fields are:

DOCVARIABLE VAR name [unit]: the variable with the name ‘name’ is printed. Optionally, a unit can be provided in brackets, for example [mm]. Additionally, a format could be added like %6.3g or %6.3f, where ‘f’ always generates a fixed point output and ‘g’ generates an exponential output for large numbers.

DOCVARIABLE VARU name [unit]: the variable with the name ‘name’ plus the unit are printed. Optionally a unit can be provided in brackets, for example [mm].

DOCVARIABLE TABLE tablename: A table is inserted.

DOCVARIABLE GRAPHIC graphicName width=130 height=70: A graphic is inserted. Optionally, height and width can be given in millimeters.

Regarding details for variable names, table names and graphic names, please ask for additional documentation.