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MESYS Calculation Software

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MESYS Shaft Calculation

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The shaft calculation (Version 12/2024) calculates the deflections, internal forces and the natural frequencies of several shafts connected by boundary conditions. The following features are supported:

Definition of multiple coaxial shafts is possible

Definition of parallel shafts (with extension for shaft systems)

Definition of shafts in arbitrary direction (with extension for advanced shaft systems)

Shaft geometry is defined by cylindrical and conical elements

Inner and outer geometry can be defined independently

Shear deformation can be considered optionally

A nonlinear shaft model can be used optionally

The weight of the shaft can be considered optionally

An arbitrary number of loads can be defined on each shaft either as point or line loads. Loads (without masses) may be defined outside of the shaft geometry also. Available loading elements are:

oForce element with three components each for force and moment

oEccentrical force element with three force components in polar coordinates

oHelical Gear element using gear data and torque as input

oBevel/Hypoid Gear element using gear data and torque as input

oWorm/Worm Gear element using gear data and torque as input

oCoupling element for entering a torque only

oPulley element for torque and pretension

oMass elements for introducing weight and inertia for natural frequencies

oImbalance and dynamic force as periodic loads for harmonic response

An acceleration can be defined for the system and is considered as inertia force

An arbitrary number of boundary constraints can either be defined between a shaft and a rigid housing or between two coaxial shafts.

Several housing stiffness matrices can be considered either with three or six degrees of freedom per node

Import of shaft geometry as 2D DXF or 3D STEP file

Strength calculation according DIN 743 (with extension for shaft strength)

Connections by cylindrical gear pairs (with extension for shaft systems)

Connections by bevel gear pairs (with extension for advanced shaft systems)

Connections by worm-worm gears (with extension for advanced shaft systems)

Planetary gear sets (with extension for advanced shaft systems)

Centrifugal forces are considered on planet shafts

Calculation of shaft speeds considering given constraints (with extension for shaft systems)

Data exchange with several programs for gear calculation (with extension for shaft systems)

Nonlinear rolling bearing stiffness can be considered

Bearings can be selected from a database

MESYS Rolling Bearing Calculation is fully integrated in the shaft calculation

MESYS Ballscrew Calculation is fully integrated in the shaft calculation

MESYS Cylindrical Gear Pair is fully integrated in the shaft calculation

Calculation using load spectra

Natural frequencies are calculated considering torsion, bending and axial modes (with extension for modal analysis)

Campbell diagram (with extension for modal analysis)

Harmonic response to periodic forces (with extension for modal analysis)

Frequency response over a given range (with extension for modal analysis)

Thermal expansions, optionally with varying temperature on a shaft

Parameter variations

3D axisymmetric elastic parts considered by 3D FEA (with extension for 3D elastic parts)

3D elastic planet carriers defined parametrically or imported as STEP file (with extension for 3D elastic parts)

Import of housings as STEP file and consideration as stiffness matrix and optionally by modal reduction (with extension for 3D elastic parts)

Consideration of elastic deformation of bearing rings (with extension for 3D elastic parts and full bearing calculation)

Consideration of gear body deformation (with extension for 3D elastic parts and shaft systems)