The table for sections shows details for each section for every shaft. The type of notch effect is shown, safety factors for strength, forces, moments and displacements:
Available results are:
•'SD': safety for fatigue according to DIN 743 for this section
•'SS': static safety factor according to DIN 743 for this section
•'Fx, Fy, Fz': forces in the section of the shaft. For faces of elastic parts the force is acting onto the part.
•'Mx, My, Mz': moments in the section of the shaft. For faces of elastic parts the force is acting onto the part.
•'ux, uy, uz': axial and radial displacement for this position
•'rx, ry, rz': torsion and tilting angles for this position
•'cxx, cyy, czz': stiffness of the system reduced to this point. The reciprocal of the main diagonal of the compliance matrix is shown.
•'crx, cry, crz': rotational stiffness of the system reduced to this point. The reciprocal of the main diagonal of the compliance matrix is shown.