A table for shafts is showing results for each shaft:
Available results are:
•'n': shaft rotation speed
•'∑T': sum of all torques with the same sign
•'∑P': sum of all power inputs with the same sign
•'minL10rh': minimum reference life L10rh according to ISO 16281 for all bearings on this shaft. Alternatively L10h according to ISO 281 is shown.
•'minL10rh': minimum modified reference life Lnmrh according to ISO 16281 for all bearings on this shaft. Alternatively Lnmh according to ISO 281 is shown.
•'pmax': maximum contact stress for bearings
•'minS0eff': minimum static safety factor according to ISO 17956 for all bearings on this shaft
•'maxSigV': maximum equivalent stress with in this shaft
•'SD': safety for fatigue according to DIN 743 for this shaft
•'SS': static safety factor according to DIN 743 for this shaft
•'maxUr': maximum radial displacement of the shaft
•'mass': mass of this shaft
•'Jxx, Jyy, Jzz': moments of inertia of the shaft